Ballista Development

We welcome participation from everyone and encourage you to join us, ask questions, and get involved.

All participation in the Apache DataFusion Ballista project is governed by the Apache Software Foundation’s code of conduct.

Development Environment

The easiest way to get started if you are using VSCode or IntelliJ IDEA is to open the provided Dev Container which will install all the required dependencies including Rust, Docker, Node.js and Yarn. A Dev Container is a development environment that runs in a Docker container. It is configured with all the required dependencies to build and test the project. It also includes VS Code and the Rust and Node.js extensions. Other supporting tools that use Dev Containers can be seen here

To use the Dev Container, open the project in VS Code and then click the “Reopen in Container” button in the bottom right corner of the IDE.

If you are not using the Dev Container or VScode, you will need to install these dependencies yourself.

Build the project

From the root of the project, build release binaries.

cargo build --release

Testing the project

cargo test

Running the examples

cd examples
cargo run --example standalone_sql --features=ballista/standalone