Starting a Ballista Cluster using Docker

Build Docker Images

Run the following commands to download the official Docker image:

docker pull

Altenatively run the following commands to clone the source repository and build the Docker images from source:

git clone -b 0.12.0
cd datafusion-ballista

This will create the following images:

  • apache/datafusion-ballista-benchmarks:0.12.0

  • apache/datafusion-ballista-cli:0.12.0

  • apache/datafusion-ballista-executor:0.12.0

  • apache/datafusion-ballista-scheduler:0.12.0

  • apache/datafusion-ballista-standalone:0.12.0

Start a Cluster

Start a Scheduler

Start a scheduler using the following syntax:

docker run --network=host \
 -d apache/datafusion-ballista-scheduler:0.12.0 \
 --bind-port 50050

Run docker ps to check that the process is running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
a756055576f3   apache/datafusion-ballista-scheduler:0.12.0   "/root/scheduler-ent…"   8 seconds ago   Up 8 seconds             xenodochial_carson

Run docker logs CONTAINER_ID to check the output from the process:

$ docker logs a756055576f3
Starting nginx to serve Ballista Scheduler web UI on port 80
2024-02-03T14:49:47.904571Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_scheduler::cluster: Initializing Sled database in temp directory
nginx: [warn] duplicate value "error" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:49
nginx: [warn] duplicate value "non_idempotent" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:49
2024-02-03T14:49:47.924679Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_scheduler::scheduler_process: Ballista v0.12.0 Scheduler listening on
2024-02-03T14:49:47.924709Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_scheduler::scheduler_process: Starting Scheduler grpc server with task scheduling policy of PullStaged
2024-02-03T14:49:47.925261Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_scheduler::cluster::kv: Initializing heartbeat listener
2024-02-03T14:49:47.925476Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_scheduler::scheduler_server::query_stage_scheduler: Starting QueryStageScheduler
2024-02-03T14:49:47.925587Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(47) ballista_core::event_loop: Starting the event loop query_stage

Start Executors

Start one or more executor processes. Each executor process will need to listen on a different port.

docker run --network=host \
  -d apache/datafusion-ballista-executor:0.12.0 \
  --external-host localhost --bind-port 50051

Use docker ps to check that both the scheduler and executor(s) are now running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
fb8b530cee6d   apache/datafusion-ballista-executor:0.12.0    "/root/executor-entr…"   2 seconds ago   Up 1 second              gallant_galois
a756055576f3   apache/datafusion-ballista-scheduler:0.12.0   "/root/scheduler-ent…"   8 seconds ago   Up 8 seconds             xenodochial_carson

Use docker logs CONTAINER_ID to check the output from the executor(s):

$ docker logs fb8b530cee6d
2024-02-03T14:50:24.061607Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_executor::executor_process: Running with config:
2024-02-03T14:50:24.061649Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_executor::executor_process: work_dir: /tmp/.tmpAkP3pZ
2024-02-03T14:50:24.061655Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) ballista_executor::executor_process: concurrent_tasks: 48
2024-02-03T14:50:24.063256Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(44) ballista_executor::executor_process: Ballista v0.12.0 Rust Executor Flight Server listening on
2024-02-03T14:50:24.063281Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(47) ballista_executor::execution_loop: Starting poll work loop with scheduler

Using etcd as a Backing Store

NOTE: This functionality is currently experimental

Ballista can optionally use etcd as a backing store for the scheduler. Use the following commands to launch the scheduler with this option enabled.

docker run --network=host \
  -d apache/datafusion-ballista-scheduler:0.12.0 \
  --bind-port 50050 \
  --config-backend etcd \
  --etcd-urls etcd:2379

Please refer to the etcd website for installation instructions. Etcd version 3.4.9 or later is recommended.

Connect from the CLI

docker run --network=host -it apache/datafusion-ballista-cli:0.12.0 --host localhost --port 50050