
We are proud to announce DataFusion 40.0.0. This blog highlights some of the many major improvements since we released DataFusion 34.0.0 and a preview of what the community is thinking about in the next 6 months. We are hoping to make more regular blog posts – if you are interested in helping write them, please reach out!

Apache DataFusion is an extensible query engine, written in Rust, that uses Apache Arrow as its in-memory format. DataFusion is used by developers to create new, fast data centric systems such as databases, dataframe libraries, machine learning and streaming applications. While DataFusion’s primary design goal is to accelerate the creation of other data centric systems, it has a reasonable experience directly out of the box as a dataframe library and command line SQL tool.

DataFusion’s core thesis is that as a community, together we can build much more advanced technology than any of us as individuals or companies could do alone. Without DataFusion, highly performant vectorized query engines would remain the domain of a few large companies and world-class research institutions. With DataFusion, we can all build on top of a shared foundation, and focus on what makes our projects unique.

Community Growth 📈

In the last 6 months, between 34.0.0 and 40.0.0, our community continues to grow in new and exciting ways.

  1. DataFusion became a top level Apache Software Foundation project (read the press release and blog post).
  2. We added several PMC members and new committers: @comphead, @mustafasrepo, @ozankabak, and @waynexia joined the PMC, @jonahgao and @lewiszlw joined as committers. See the mailing list for more details.
  3. DataFusion Comet was donated and is nearing its first release.
  4. In the core DataFusion repo alone we reviewed and accepted almost 1500 PRs from 182 different committers, created over 1000 issues and closed 781 of them 🚀. This is up almost 50% from our last post (1000 PRs from 124 committers with 650 issues created in our last post) 🤯. All changes are listed in the detailed CHANGELOG.
  5. DataFusion focused meetups happened or are happening in multiple cities around the world: Austin, San Francisco, Hangzhou, New York, and Belgrade.
  6. Many new projects started in the datafusion-contrib organization, including Table Providers, SQLancer, Open Variant, JSON, and ORC.

In addition, DataFusion has been appearing publicly more and more, both online and offline. Here are some highlights:

  1. Apache Arrow DataFusion: A Fast, Embeddable, Modular Analytic Query Engine, was presented in SIGMOD ‘24, one of the major database conferences
  2. As part of the trend to define “the POSIX of databases” in “What Goes Around Comes Around… And Around…” from Andy Pavlo and Mike Stonebraker
  3. “Why you should keep an eye on Apache DataFusion and its community”
  4. Apache DataFusion offline meetup in the Bay Area

Improved Performance 🚀

Performance is a key feature of DataFusion, and the community continues to work to keep DataFusion state of the art in this area. One major area DataFusion improved is the time it takes to convert a SQL query into a plan that can be executed. Planning is now almost 2x faster for TPC-DS and TPC-H queries, and over 10x faster for some queries with many columns.

Here is a chart showing the improvement due to the concerted effort of many contributors including @jackwener, @alamb, @Lordworms, @dmitrybugakov, @appletreeisyellow, @ClSlaid, @rohitrastogi, @emgeee, @kevinmingtarja, and @peter-toth over several months (see ticket for more details)

DataFusion is now up to 40% faster for queries that GROUP BY a single string or binary column due to a specialization for single Uft8/LargeUtf8/Binary/LargeBinary. We are working on improving performance when there are multiple variable length columns in the GROUP BY clause.

We are also in the final phases of integrating the new Arrow StringView which significantly improves performance for workloads that scan, filter and group by variable length string and binary data. We expect the improvement to be especially pronounced for Parquet files due to upstream work in the parquet reader. Kudos to @XiangpengHong, @AriesDevil, @PsiACE, @Weijun-H, @a10y, and @RinChanNOWWW for driving this project.

Improved Quality 📋

DataFusion continues to improve overall in quality. In addition to ongoing bug fixes, one of the most exciting improvements is the addition of a new SQLancer based DataFusion Fuzzing suite thanks to @2010YOUY01 that has already found several bugs and thanks to @jonahgao, @tshauck, @xinlifoobar, @LorrensP-2158466 for fixing them so fast.

Improved Documentation 📚

We continue to improve the documentation to make it easier to get started using DataFusion with the Library Users Guide, API documentation, and Examples.

Some notable new examples include:

New Features ✨

There are too many new features in the last 6 months to list them all, but here are some highlights:


DataFusion now has much improved support for structured types such STRUCT, LIST/ARRAY and MAP. For example, you can now create STRUCT literals in SQL like this:

> select {'foo': {'bar': 2}};
| named_struct(Utf8("foo"),named_struct(Utf8("bar"),Int64(2))) |
| {foo: {bar: 2}}                                              |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.002 seconds.

SQL Unparser (SQL Formatter)

DataFusion now supports converting Exprs and LogicalPlans BACK to SQL text. This can be useful in query federation to push predicates down into other systems that only accept SQL, and for building systems that generate SQL.

For example, you can now convert a logical expression back to SQL text:

// Form a logical expression that represents the SQL "a < 5 OR a = 8"
let expr = col("a").lt(lit(5)).or(col("a").eq(lit(8)));
// convert the expression back to SQL text
let sql = expr_to_sql(&expr)?.to_string();
assert_eq!(sql, "a < 5 OR a = 8");

You can also do complex things like parsing SQL, modifying the plan, and convert it back to SQL:

let df = ctx
  // Use SQL to read some data from the parquet file
  .sql("SELECT int_col, double_col, CAST(date_string_col as VARCHAR) FROM alltypes_plain")
// Programmatically add new filters `id > 1 and tinyint_col < double_col`
let df = df.filter(col("id").gt(lit(1)).and(col("tinyint_col").lt(col("double_col"))))?
// Convert the new logical plan back to SQL
let sql = plan_to_sql(df.logical_plan())?.to_string();
           "SELECT alltypes_plain.int_col, alltypes_plain.double_col, CAST(alltypes_plain.date_string_col AS VARCHAR) \
           FROM alltypes_plain WHERE (( > 1) AND (alltypes_plain.tinyint_col < alltypes_plain.double_col))")

See the Plan to SQL example or the APIs expr_to_sql and plan_to_sql for more details.

Low Level APIs for Fast Parquet Access (indexing)

With their rising prevalence, supporting efficient access to Parquet files stored remotely on object storage is important. Part of doing this efficiently is minimizing the number of object store requests made by caching metadata and skipping over parts of the file that are not needed (e.g. via an index).

DataFusion’s Parquet reader has long internally supported advanced predicate pushdown by reading the parquet metadata from the file footer and pruning based on row group and data page statistics. DataFusion now also supports users supplying their own low level pruning information via the ParquetAccessPlan API.

This API can be used along with index information to selectively skip decoding parts of the file. For example, Spice AI used this feature to add efficient support for reading from DeltaLake tables and handling deletion vectors.

        ┌───────────────────────┐   If the RowSelection does not include any
        │          ...          │   rows from a particular Data Page, that
        │                       │   Data Page is not fetched or decoded.
        │ ┌───────────────────┐ │   Note this requires a PageIndex
        │ │     ┌──────────┐  │ │
Row     │ │     │DataPage 0│  │ │                 ┌────────────────────┐
Groups  │ │     └──────────┘  │ │                 │                    │
        │ │     ┌──────────┐  │ │                 │    ParquetExec     │
        │ │ ... │DataPage 1│ ◀┼ ┼ ─ ─ ─           │  (Parquet Reader)  │
        │ │     └──────────┘  │ │      └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─│                    │
        │ │     ┌──────────┐  │ │                 │ ╔═══════════════╗  │
        │ │     │DataPage 2│  │ │ If only rows    │ ║ParquetMetadata║  │
        │ │     └──────────┘  │ │ from DataPage 1 │ ╚═══════════════╝  │
        │ └───────────────────┘ │ are selected,   └────────────────────┘
        │                       │ only DataPage 1
        │          ...          │ is fetched and
        │                       │ decoded
        │ ╔═══════════════════╗ │
        │ ║  Thrift metadata  ║ │
        │ ╚═══════════════════╝ │
         Parquet File

See the and examples for more details.

Thanks to @alamb and @Ted-Jiang for this feature.

Building Systems is Easier with DataFusion 🛠️

In addition to many incremental API improvements, there are several new APIs that make it easier to build systems on top of DataFusion:

  • Faster and easier to use TreeNode API for traversing and manipulating plans and expressions.
  • All functions now use the same Scalar User Defined Function API, making it easier to customize DataFusion’s behavior without sacrificing performance. See ticket for more details.
  • DataFusion can now be compiled to WASM.

User Defined SQL Parsing Extensions

As of DataFusion 40.0.0, you can use the ExprPlanner trait to extend DataFusion’s SQL planner to support custom operators or syntax.

For example the datafusion-functions-json project uses this API to support JSON operators in SQL queries. It provides a custom implementation for planning JSON operators such as -> and ->> with code like:

struct MyCustomPlanner;

impl ExprPlanner for MyCustomPlanner {
    // Provide custom implementation for planning a binary operators
    // such as `->` and `->>`
    fn plan_binary_op(
        expr: RawBinaryExpr,
        _schema: &DFSchema,
    ) -> Result<PlannerResult<RawBinaryExpr>> {
        match &expr.op {
           BinaryOperator::Arrow => { /* plan -> operator */ }
           BinaryOperator::LongArrow => { /* plan ->> operator */ }

Thanks to @samuelcolvin, @jayzhan211 and @dharanad for helping make this feature happen.

Pluggable Support for CREATE FUNCTION

DataFusion’s new FunctionFactory API let’s users provide a handler for CREATE FUNCTION SQL statements. This feature lets you build systems that support defining functions in SQL such as

-- SQL based functions
    RETURN $1 + $3

-- ML Models
LANGUAGE TORCH AS 'models:/iris@champion';

-- WebAssembly
LANGUAGE WASM AS 'func.wasm'

Huge thanks to @milenkovicm for this feature. There is an example of how to make macro like functions in It would be great if someone made a demo showing how to create WASMs 🎣.

Looking Ahead: The Next Six Months 🔭

The community has been discussing what we will work on in the next six months. Some major initiatives from that discussion are:

  1. Performance: Improve the speed of aggregating “high cardinality” data when there are many (e.g. millions) of distinct groups as well as additional ideas to improve parquet performance.

  2. Modularity: Make DataFusion even more modular, by completely unifying built in and user aggregate functions and window functions.

  3. LogicalTypes: Introduce Logical Types to make it easier to use different encodings like StringView, RunEnd and Dictionary arrays as well as user defined types. Thanks @notfilippo for driving this.

  4. Improved Documentation: Write blog posts and videos explaining how to use DataFusion for real-world use cases.

  5. Testing: Improve CI infrastructure and test coverage, more fuzz testing, and better functional and performance regression testing.

How to Get Involved

DataFusion is not a project built or driven by a single person, company, or foundation. Rather, our community of users and contributors work together to build a shared technology that none of us could have built alone.

If you are interested in joining us we would love to have you. You can try out DataFusion on some of your own data and projects and let us know how it goes, contribute suggestions, documentation, bug reports, or a PR with documentation, tests or code. A list of open issues suitable for beginners is here and you can find how to reach us on the communication doc.