Comet Debugging Guide

This HOWTO describes how to debug JVM code and Native code concurrently. The guide assumes you have:

  1. IntelliJ as the Java IDE

  2. CLion as the Native IDE. For Rust code, the CLion Rust language plugin is required. Note that the IntelliJ Rust plugin is not sufficient.

  3. CLion/LLDB as the native debugger. CLion ships with a bundled LLDB and the Rust community has its own packaging of LLDB (lldb-rust). Both provide a better display of Rust symbols than plain LLDB or the LLDB that is bundled with XCode. We will use the LLDB packaged with CLion for this guide.

  4. We will use a Comet unit test as the canonical use case.

Caveat: The steps here have only been tested with JDK 11 on Mac (M1)

Debugging for Advanced Developers

Add a .lldbinit to comet/core. This is not strictly necessary but will be useful if you want to use advanced lldb debugging.

In IntelliJ

  1. Set a breakpoint in NativeBase.load(), at a point after the Comet library has been loaded.

  2. Add a Debug Configuration for the unit test

  3. In the Debug Configuration for that unit test add -Xint as a JVM parameter. This option is undocumented magic. Without this, the LLDB debugger hits a EXC_BAD_ACCESS (or EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION) from which one cannot recover.

  4. Add a println to the unit test to print the PID of the JVM process. (jps can also be used but this is less error prone if you have multiple jvm processes running)

         println("Waiting for Debugger: PID - ", ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName())

    This will print something like : PID@your_machine_name.

    For JDK9 and newer

         println("Waiting for Debugger: PID - ",

    ==> Note the PID

  5. Debug-run the test in IntelliJ and wait for the breakpoint to be hit

In CLion

  1. After the breakpoint is hit in IntelliJ, in Clion (or LLDB from terminal or editor) -

    1. Attach to the jvm process (make sure the PID matches). In CLion, this is Run -> Atttach to process

    2. Put your breakpoint in the native code

  2. Go back to IntelliJ and resume the process.

  3. Most debugging in CLion is similar to IntelliJ. For advanced LLDB based debugging the LLDB command line can be accessed from the LLDB tab in the Debugger view. Refer to the LLDB manual for LLDB commands.

After your debugging is done

  1. In CLion, detach from the process if not already detached

  2. In IntelliJ, the debugger might have lost track of the process. If so, the debugger tab will show the process as running (even if the test/job is shown as completed).

  3. Close the debugger tab, and if the IDS asks whether it should terminate the process, click Yes.

  4. In terminal, use jps to identify the process with the process id you were debugging. If it shows up as running, kill -9 [pid]. If that doesn’t remove the process, don’t bother, the process will be left behind as a zombie and will consume no (significant) resources. Eventually it will be cleaned up when you reboot possibly after a software update.

Additional Info

OpenJDK mailing list on debugging the JDK on MacOS

Detecting the debugger,to let your app continue.&text=I know that those are,meant with my first phrase).

Verbose debug

By default, Comet outputs the exception details specific for Comet.

scala> spark.sql("my_failing_query").show(false)

24/03/05 17:00:07 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0)/ 1]
org.apache.comet.CometNativeException: Internal error: MIN/MAX is not expected to receive scalars of incompatible types (Date32("NULL"), Int32(15901)).
This was likely caused by a bug in DataFusion's code and we would welcome that you file an bug report in our issue tracker
        at org.apache.comet.Native.executePlan(Native Method)
        at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.executeNative(CometExecIterator.scala:65)
        at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.getNextBatch(CometExecIterator.scala:111)
        at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.hasNext(CometExecIterator.scala:126)

There is a verbose exception option by leveraging DataFusion backtraces This option allows to append native DataFusion stack trace to the original error message. To enable this option with Comet it is needed to include backtrace feature in Cargo.toml for DataFusion dependencies

datafusion-common = { version = "36.0.0", features = ["backtrace"] }
datafusion = { default-features = false, version = "36.0.0", features = ["unicode_expressions", "backtrace"] }

Then build the Comet as described

Start Comet with RUST_BACKTRACE=1

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 $SPARK_HOME/spark-shell --jars spark/target/comet-spark-spark3.4_2.12-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --conf spark.plugins=org.apache.spark.CometPlugin --conf spark.comet.enabled=true --conf spark.comet.exec.enabled=true

Get the expanded exception details

scala> spark.sql("my_failing_query").show(false)
24/03/05 17:00:49 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0)
org.apache.comet.CometNativeException: Internal error: MIN/MAX is not expected to receive scalars of incompatible types (Date32("NULL"), Int32(15901))

  0: std::backtrace::Backtrace::create
  1: datafusion_physical_expr::aggregate::min_max::min
  2: <datafusion_physical_expr::aggregate::min_max::MinAccumulator as datafusion_expr::accumulator::Accumulator>::update_batch
  3: <futures_util::stream::stream::fuse::Fuse<S> as futures_core::stream::Stream>::poll_next
  4: comet::execution::jni_api::Java_org_apache_comet_Native_executePlan::{{closure}}
  5: _Java_org_apache_comet_Native_executePlan

This was likely caused by a bug in DataFusion's code and we would welcome that you file an bug report in our issue tracker
        at org.apache.comet.Native.executePlan(Native Method)
at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.executeNative(CometExecIterator.scala:65)
at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.getNextBatch(CometExecIterator.scala:111)
at org.apache.comet.CometExecIterator.hasNext(CometExecIterator.scala:126)


  • The backtrace coverage in DataFusion is still improving. So there is a chance the error still not covered, if so feel free to file a ticket

  • The backtrace evaluation comes with performance cost and intended mostly for debugging purposes