Comet Benchmarking Guide

To track progress on performance, we regularly run benchmarks derived from TPC-H and TPC-DS. Data generation and benchmarking documentation and scripts are available in the DataFusion Benchmarks GitHub repository.

Here are example commands for running the benchmarks against a Spark cluster. This command will need to be adapted based on the Spark environment and location of data files.

These commands are intended to be run from the runners/datafusion-comet directory in the datafusion-benchmarks repository.

Running Benchmarks Against Apache Spark

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --master $SPARK_MASTER \
    --conf spark.driver.memory=8G \
    --conf spark.executor.memory=32G \
    --conf spark.executor.cores=8 \
    --conf spark.cores.max=8 \
    --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=-1 \ \
    --benchmark tpch \
    --data /mnt/bigdata/tpch/sf100/ \
    --queries ../../tpch/queries \
    --iterations 5

Running Benchmarks Against Apache Spark with Apache DataFusion Comet Enabled

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --master $SPARK_MASTER \
    --conf spark.driver.memory=8G \
    --conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
    --conf spark.executor.memory=32G \
    --conf spark.executor.cores=8 \
    --conf spark.cores.max=8 \
    --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=-1 \
    --jars $COMET_JAR \
    --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=$COMET_JAR \
    --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=$COMET_JAR \
    --conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.comet.CometSparkSessionExtensions \
    --conf spark.comet.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.comet.exec.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.comet.exec.all.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.comet.cast.allowIncompatible=true \
    --conf spark.comet.explainFallback.enabled=true \
    --conf \
    --conf spark.comet.batchSize=8192 \
    --conf spark.comet.exec.shuffle.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.comet.exec.shuffle.mode=auto \
    --conf spark.comet.shuffle.enforceMode.enabled=true \
    --conf spark.shuffle.manager=org.apache.spark.sql.comet.execution.shuffle.CometShuffleManager \ \
    --benchmark tpch \
    --data /mnt/bigdata/tpch/sf100/ \
    --queries ../../tpch/queries \
    --iterations 5

Current Performance

Comet is not yet achieving full DataFusion speeds in all cases, but with future work we aim to provide a 2x-4x speedup for many use cases.

The following benchmarks were performed on a Linux workstation with PCIe 5, AMD 7950X CPU (16 cores), 128 GB RAM, and data stored locally on NVMe storage. Performance characteristics will vary in different environments and we encourage you to run these benchmarks in your own environments.

Here is a breakdown showing relative performance of Spark, Comet, and DataFusion for each TPC-H query.

The following chart shows how much Comet currently accelerates each query from the benchmark. Performance optimization is an ongoing task, and we welcome contributions from the community to help achieve even greater speedups in the future.

The raw results of these benchmarks in JSON format is available here: