Comet Development Guide

Project Layout

├── common     <- common Java/Scala code
├── conf       <- configuration files
├── native     <- native code, in Rust
├── spark      <- Spark integration

Development Setup

  1. Make sure JAVA_HOME is set and point to JDK 8/11/17 installation.

  2. Install Rust toolchain. The easiest way is to use rustup.

Build & Test

A few common commands are specified in project’s Makefile:

  • make: compile the entire project, but don’t run tests

  • make test-rust: compile the project and run tests in Rust side

  • make test-jvm: compile the project and run tests in Java side

  • make test: compile the project and run tests in both Rust and Java side.

  • make release: compile the project and creates a release build. This is useful when you want to test Comet local installation in another project such as Spark.

  • make clean: clean up the workspace

Development Environment

Comet is a multi-language project with native code written in Rust and JVM code written in Java and Scala. For Rust code, the CLion IDE is recommended. For JVM code, IntelliJ IDEA is recommended.

Before opening the project in an IDE, make sure to run make first to generate the necessary files for the IDEs. Currently, it’s mostly about generating protobuf message classes for the JVM side. It’s only required to run make once after cloning the repo.

IntelliJ IDEA

First make sure to install the Scala plugin in IntelliJ IDEA. After that, you can open the project in IntelliJ IDEA. The IDE should automatically detect the project structure and import as a Maven project.

Comet uses generated source files that are too large for IntelliJ’s default size limit for code inspections. To avoid IDE errors (missing definitions, etc.) caused by IntelliJ skipping these generated files, modify IntelliJ’s Platform Properties by going to Help -> Edit Custom Properties.... For example, adding idea.max.intellisense.filesize=16384 increases the file size limit to 16 MB.


First make sure to install the Rust plugin in CLion or you can use the dedicated Rust IDE: RustRover. After that you can open the project in CLion. The IDE should automatically detect the project structure and import as a Cargo project.

Running Tests in IDEA

Like other Maven projects, you can run tests in IntelliJ IDEA by right-clicking on the test class or test method and selecting “Run” or “Debug”. However if the tests is related to the native side. Please make sure to run make core or cd native && cargo build before running the tests in IDEA.

Running Tests from command line

It is possible to specify which ScalaTest suites you want to run from the CLI using the suites argument, for example if you only want to execute the test cases that contains valid in their name in org.apache.comet.CometCastSuite you can use

./mvnw test -Dtest=none -Dsuites="org.apache.comet.CometCastSuite valid"

Other options for selecting specific suites are described in the ScalaTest Maven Plugin documentation

Plan Stability Testing

Comet has a plan stability testing framework that can be used to test the stability of the query plans generated by Comet. The plan stability testing framework is located in the spark module and can be run using the following commands.

First, Comet needs to be installed for each Spark version to be tested:

./mvnw install -DskipTests -Pspark-3.4
./mvnw install -DskipTests -Pspark-3.5 
# note that Spark 4.0 requires JDK 17 or later
./mvnw install -DskipTests -Pspark-4.0

Note that the output files get written to $SPARK_HOME.

The tests can be run with:

export SPARK_HOME=`pwd`
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -nsu test
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-3.5 -nsu test
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-4.0 -nsu test


export SPARK_HOME=`pwd`
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -nsu test
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-3.5 -nsu test
./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-4.0 -nsu test

If your pull request changes the query plans generated by Comet, you should regenerate the golden files. To regenerate the golden files, you can run the following commands.

export SPARK_HOME=`pwd`
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -nsu test
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-3.5 -nsu test
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV1_4_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-4.0 -nsu test


export SPARK_HOME=`pwd`
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -nsu test
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-3.5 -nsu test
SPARK_GENERATE_GOLDEN_FILES=1 ./mvnw -pl spark -Dsuites="org.apache.spark.sql.comet.CometTPCDSV2_7_PlanStabilitySuite" -Pspark-4.0 -nsu test


There’s a make command to run micro benchmarks in the repo. For instance:

make benchmark-org.apache.spark.sql.benchmark.CometReadBenchmark

To run TPC-H or TPC-DS micro benchmarks, please follow the instructions in the respective source code, e.g., CometTPCHQueryBenchmark.


Comet is a multi-language project with native code written in Rust and JVM code written in Java and Scala. It is possible to debug both native and JVM code concurrently as described in the DEBUGGING guide

Submitting a Pull Request

Comet uses cargo fmt, Scalafix and Spotless to automatically format the code. Before submitting a pull request, you can simply run make format to format the code.