
Provides the user defined functions for evaluation of dataframes.






Defines how an AggregateUDF accumulates values.


Class for performing scalar user defined functions (UDF).


Class for performing scalar user defined functions (UDF).


Defines how stable or volatile a function is.

Module Contents

class datafusion.udf.Accumulator

Defines how an AggregateUDF accumulates values.

abstract evaluate() pyarrow.Scalar

Return the resultant value.

abstract merge(states: List[pyarrow.Array]) None

Merge a set of states.

abstract state() List[pyarrow.Scalar]

Return the current state.

abstract update(values: pyarrow.Array) None

Evaluate an array of values and update state.

class datafusion.udf.AggregateUDF(name: str | None, accumulator: _A, input_types: list[pyarrow.DataType], return_type: _R, state_type: list[pyarrow.DataType], volatility: Volatility | str)

Class for performing scalar user defined functions (UDF).

Aggregate UDFs operate on a group of rows and return a single value. See also ScalarUDF for operating on a row by row basis.

Instantiate a user defined aggregate function (UDAF).

See udaf() for a convenience function and argument descriptions.

__call__(*args: datafusion.expr.Expr) datafusion.expr.Expr

Execute the UDAF.

This function is not typically called by an end user. These calls will occur during the evaluation of the dataframe.

static udaf(accum: _A, input_types: list[pyarrow.DataType], return_type: _R, state_type: list[pyarrow.DataType], volatility: Volatility | str, name: str | None = None) AggregateUDF

Create a new User Defined Aggregate Function.

The accumulator function must be callable and implement Accumulator.

  • accum – The accumulator python function.

  • input_types – The data types of the arguments to accum.

  • return_type – The data type of the return value.

  • state_type – The data types of the intermediate accumulation.

  • volatility – See Volatility for allowed values.

  • name – A descriptive name for the function.


A user defined aggregate function, which can be used in either data aggregation or window function calls.

class datafusion.udf.ScalarUDF(name: str | None, func: Callable[Ellipsis, _R], input_types: list[pyarrow.DataType], return_type: _R, volatility: Volatility | str)

Class for performing scalar user defined functions (UDF).

Scalar UDFs operate on a row by row basis. See also AggregateUDF for operating on a group of rows.

Instantiate a scalar user defined function (UDF).

See helper method udf() for argument details.

__call__(*args: datafusion.expr.Expr) datafusion.expr.Expr

Execute the UDF.

This function is not typically called by an end user. These calls will occur during the evaluation of the dataframe.

static udf(func: Callable[Ellipsis, _R], input_types: list[pyarrow.DataType], return_type: _R, volatility: Volatility | str, name: str | None = None) ScalarUDF

Create a new User Defined Function.

  • func – A callable python function.

  • input_types – The data types of the arguments to func. This list must be of the same length as the number of arguments.

  • return_type – The data type of the return value from the python function.

  • volatility – See Volatility for allowed values.

  • name – A descriptive name for the function.


A user defined aggregate function, which can be used in either data

aggregation or window function calls.

class datafusion.udf.Volatility(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Defines how stable or volatile a function is.

When setting the volatility of a function, you can either pass this enumeration or a str. The str equivalent is the lower case value of the name (“immutable”, “stable”, or “volatile”).


Returns the string equivalent.

Immutable = 1

An immutable function will always return the same output when given the same input.

DataFusion will attempt to inline immutable functions during planning.

Stable = 2

Returns the same value for a given input within a single queries.

A stable function may return different values given the same input across different queries but must return the same value for a given input within a query. An example of this is the Now function. DataFusion will attempt to inline Stable functions during planning, when possible. For query select col1, now() from t1, it might take a while to execute but now() column will be the same for each output row, which is evaluated during planning.

Volatile = 3

A volatile function may change the return value from evaluation to evaluation.

Multiple invocations of a volatile function may return different results when used in the same query. An example of this is the random() function. DataFusion can not evaluate such functions during planning. In the query select col1, random() from t1, random() function will be evaluated for each output row, resulting in a unique random value for each row.
