
This module provides the classes for handling record batches.

These are typically the result of dataframe datafusion.dataframe.execute_stream() operations.



This class is essentially a wrapper for pyarrow.RecordBatch.


This class represents a stream of record batches.

Module Contents

class datafusion.record_batch.RecordBatch(record_batch: datafusion._internal.RecordBatch)

This class is essentially a wrapper for pyarrow.RecordBatch.

This constructor is generally not called by the end user.

See the RecordBatchStream iterator for generating this class.

to_pyarrow() pyarrow.RecordBatch

Convert to pyarrow.RecordBatch.

class datafusion.record_batch.RecordBatchStream(record_batch_stream: datafusion._internal.RecordBatchStream)

This class represents a stream of record batches.

These are typically the result of a execute_stream() operation.

This constructor is typically not called by the end user.

__aiter__() typing_extensions.Self

Async iterator function.

async __anext__() RecordBatch

Async iterator function.

__iter__() typing_extensions.Self

Iterator function.

__next__() RecordBatch

Iterator function.

next() RecordBatch

See __next__() for the iterator function.
