Data Sources

DataFusion provides a wide variety of ways to get data into a DataFrame to perform operations.

Local file

DataFusion has the abilty to read from a variety of popular file formats, such as Parquet, CSV, JSON, and AVRO.

In [1]: from datafusion import SessionContext

In [2]: ctx = SessionContext()

In [3]: df = ctx.read_csv("pokemon.csv")

In [4]:
| #  | Name                      | Type 1 | Type 2 | Total | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp. Atk | Sp. Def | Speed | Generation | Legendary |
| 1  | Bulbasaur                 | Grass  | Poison | 318   | 45 | 49     | 49      | 65      | 65      | 45    | 1          | false     |
| 2  | Ivysaur                   | Grass  | Poison | 405   | 60 | 62     | 63      | 80      | 80      | 60    | 1          | false     |
| 3  | Venusaur                  | Grass  | Poison | 525   | 80 | 82     | 83      | 100     | 100     | 80    | 1          | false     |
| 3  | VenusaurMega Venusaur     | Grass  | Poison | 625   | 80 | 100    | 123     | 122     | 120     | 80    | 1          | false     |
| 4  | Charmander                | Fire   |        | 309   | 39 | 52     | 43      | 60      | 50      | 65    | 1          | false     |
| 5  | Charmeleon                | Fire   |        | 405   | 58 | 64     | 58      | 80      | 65      | 80    | 1          | false     |
| 6  | Charizard                 | Fire   | Flying | 534   | 78 | 84     | 78      | 109     | 85      | 100   | 1          | false     |
| 6  | CharizardMega Charizard X | Fire   | Dragon | 634   | 78 | 130    | 111     | 130     | 85      | 100   | 1          | false     |
| 6  | CharizardMega Charizard Y | Fire   | Flying | 634   | 78 | 104    | 78      | 159     | 115     | 100   | 1          | false     |
| 7  | Squirtle                  | Water  |        | 314   | 44 | 48     | 65      | 50      | 64      | 43    | 1          | false     |
| 8  | Wartortle                 | Water  |        | 405   | 59 | 63     | 80      | 65      | 80      | 58    | 1          | false     |
| 9  | Blastoise                 | Water  |        | 530   | 79 | 83     | 100     | 85      | 105     | 78    | 1          | false     |
| 9  | BlastoiseMega Blastoise   | Water  |        | 630   | 79 | 103    | 120     | 135     | 115     | 78    | 1          | false     |
| 10 | Caterpie                  | Bug    |        | 195   | 45 | 30     | 35      | 20      | 20      | 45    | 1          | false     |
| 11 | Metapod                   | Bug    |        | 205   | 50 | 20     | 55      | 25      | 25      | 30    | 1          | false     |
| 12 | Butterfree                | Bug    | Flying | 395   | 60 | 45     | 50      | 90      | 80      | 70    | 1          | false     |
| 13 | Weedle                    | Bug    | Poison | 195   | 40 | 35     | 30      | 20      | 20      | 50    | 1          | false     |
| 14 | Kakuna                    | Bug    | Poison | 205   | 45 | 25     | 50      | 25      | 25      | 35    | 1          | false     |
| 15 | Beedrill                  | Bug    | Poison | 395   | 65 | 90     | 40      | 45      | 80      | 75    | 1          | false     |
| 15 | BeedrillMega Beedrill     | Bug    | Poison | 495   | 65 | 150    | 40      | 15      | 80      | 145   | 1          | false     |

Create in-memory

Sometimes it can be convenient to create a small DataFrame from a Python list or dictionary object. To do this in DataFusion, you can use one of the three functions from_pydict(), from_pylist(), or create_dataframe().

As their names suggest, from_pydict and from_pylist will create DataFrames from Python dictionary and list objects, respectively. create_dataframe assumes you will pass in a list of list of PyArrow Record Batches.

The following three examples all will create identical DataFrames:

In [5]: import pyarrow as pa

In [6]: ctx.from_pylist([
   ...:     { "a": 1, "b": 10.0, "c": "alpha" },
   ...:     { "a": 2, "b": 20.0, "c": "beta" },
   ...:     { "a": 3, "b": 30.0, "c": "gamma" },
   ...: ]).show()
| a | b    | c     |
| 1 | 10.0 | alpha |
| 2 | 20.0 | beta  |
| 3 | 30.0 | gamma |

In [7]: ctx.from_pydict({
   ...:     "a": [1, 2, 3],
   ...:     "b": [10.0, 20.0, 30.0],
   ...:     "c": ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"],
   ...: }).show()
| a | b    | c     |
| 1 | 10.0 | alpha |
| 2 | 20.0 | beta  |
| 3 | 30.0 | gamma |

In [8]: batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(
   ...:     [
   ...:         pa.array([1, 2, 3]),
   ...:         pa.array([10.0, 20.0, 30.0]),
   ...:         pa.array(["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]),
   ...:     ],
   ...:     names=["a", "b", "c"],
   ...: )

In [9]: ctx.create_dataframe([[batch]]).show()
| a | b    | c     |
| 1 | 10.0 | alpha |
| 2 | 20.0 | beta  |
| 3 | 30.0 | gamma |

Object Store

DataFusion has support for multiple storage options in addition to local files. The example below requires an appropriate S3 account with access credentials.

Supported Object Stores are

from datafusion.object_store import AmazonS3

region = "us-east-1"
bucket_name = "yellow-trips"

s3 = AmazonS3(

path = f"s3://{bucket_name}/"
ctx.register_object_store("s3://", s3, None)

ctx.register_parquet("trips", path)


Other DataFrame Libraries

DataFusion can import DataFrames directly from other libraries, such as Polars and Pandas. Since DataFusion version 42.0.0, any DataFrame library that supports the Arrow FFI PyCapsule interface can be imported to DataFusion using the from_arrow() function. Older verions of Polars may not support the arrow interface. In those cases, you can still import via the from_polars() function.

import pandas as pd

data = { "a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [10.0, 20.0, 30.0], "c": ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"] }
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(data)

datafusion_df = ctx.from_arrow(pandas_df)
import polars as pl
polars_df = pl.DataFrame(data)

datafusion_df = ctx.from_arrow(polars_df)

Delta Lake

DataFusion 43.0.0 and later support the ability to register table providers from sources such as Delta Lake. This will require a recent version of deltalake to provide the required interfaces.

from deltalake import DeltaTable

delta_table = DeltaTable("path_to_table")
ctx.register_table_provider("my_delta_table", delta_table)
df = ctx.table("my_delta_table")

On older versions of deltalake (prior to 0.22) you can use the Arrow DataSet interface to import to DataFusion, but this does not support features such as filter push down which can lead to a significant performance difference.

from deltalake import DeltaTable

delta_table = DeltaTable("path_to_table")
ctx.register_dataset("my_delta_table", delta_table.to_pyarrow_dataset())
df = ctx.table("my_delta_table")


Coming soon!

Custom Table Provider

You can implement a custom Data Provider in Rust and expose it to DataFusion through the the interface as describe in the Custom Table Provider section. This is an advanced topic, but a user example is provided in the DataFusion repository.