Reading Explain Plans


This section describes of how to read a DataFusion query plan. While fully comprehending all details of these plans requires significant expertise in the DataFusion engine, this guide will help you get started with the basics.

Datafusion executes queries using a query plan. To see the plan without running the query, add the keyword EXPLAIN to your SQL query or call the DataFrame::explain method

Example: Select and filter

In this section, we run example queries against the hits.parquet file. See below) for information on how to get this file.

Let’s see how DataFusion runs a query that selects the top 5 watch lists for the site

EXPLAIN SELECT "WatchID" AS wid, "hits.parquet"."ClientIP" AS ip
FROM 'hits.parquet'
WHERE starts_with("URL", '')

The output will look like

| plan_type     | plan                                                                                                                                                                                |
| logical_plan  | Sort: wid ASC NULLS LAST, ip DESC NULLS FIRST, fetch=5                                                                                                                              |
|               |   Projection: hits.parquet.WatchID AS wid, hits.parquet.ClientIP AS ip                                                                                                              |
|               |     Filter: starts_with(hits.parquet.URL, Utf8(""))                                                                                                      |
|               |       TableScan: hits.parquet projection=[WatchID, ClientIP, URL], partial_filters=[starts_with(hits.parquet.URL, Utf8(""))]                             |
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC], fetch=5                                                                                                                  |
|               |   SortExec: TopK(fetch=5), expr=[wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC], preserve_partitioning=[true]                                                                                      |
|               |     ProjectionExec: expr=[WatchID@0 as wid, ClientIP@1 as ip]                                                                                                                       |
|               |       CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192                                                                                                                                   |
|               |         FilterExec: starts_with(URL@2,                                                                                                                 |
|               |           ParquetExec: file_groups={16 groups: [[hits.parquet:0..923748528], ...]}, projection=[WatchID, ClientIP, URL], predicate=starts_with(URL@13, |
2 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.060 seconds.

There are two sections: logical plan and physical plan

  • Logical Plan: is a plan generated for a specific SQL query, DataFrame, or other language without the
    knowledge of the underlying data organization.

  • Physical Plan: is a plan generated from a logical plan along with consideration of the hardware configuration (e.g number of CPUs) and the underlying data organization (e.g number of files). This physical plan is specific to your hardware configuration and your data. If you load the same data to different hardware with different configurations, the same query may generate different query plans.

Understanding a query plan can help to you understand its performance. For example, when the plan shows your query reads many files, it signals you to either add more filter in the query to read less data or to modify your file design to make fewer but larger files. This document focuses on how to read a query plan. How to make a query run faster depends on the reason it is slow and beyond the scope of this document.

Query plans are trees

A query plan is an upside down tree, and we always read from bottom up. The physical plan in Figure 1 in tree format will look like

│             SortPreservingMergeExec             │
│        [wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC]         │
│                     fetch=5                     │
│             SortExec TopK(fetch=5),             │
│     expr=[wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC],      │
│           preserve_partitioning=[true]          │
│                 ProjectionExec                  │
│    expr=[WatchID@0 as wid, ClientIP@1 as ip]    │
│               CoalesceBatchesExec               │
│                   FilterExec                    │
│ starts_with(URL@2, │
│                  ParquetExec                   │
│          hits.parquet (filter = ...)           │

Each node in the tree/plan ends with Exec and is sometimes also called an operator or ExecutionPlan where data is processed, transformed and sent up.

  1. First, data in parquet the hits.parquet file us read in parallel using 16 cores in 16 “partitions” (more on this later) from ParquetExec, which applies a first pass at filtering during the scan.

  2. Next, the output is filtered using FilterExec to ensure only rows where starts_with(URL, '') evaluates to true are passed on

  3. The CoalesceBatchesExec then ensures that the data is grouped into larger batches for processing

  4. The ProjectionExec then projects the data to rename the WatchID and ClientIP columns to wid and ip respectively.

  5. The SortExec then sorts the data by wid ASC, ip DESC. The Topk(fetch=5) indicates that a special implementation is used that only tracks and emits the top 5 values in each partition.

  6. Finally the SortPreservingMergeExec merges the sorted data from all partitions and returns the top 5 rows overall.

Understanding large query plans

A large query plan may look intimidating, but you can quickly understand what it does by following these steps

  1. As always, read from bottom up, one operator at a time.

  2. Understand the job of this operator by reading the Physical Plan documentation.

  3. Understand the input data of the operator and how large/small it may be.

  4. Understand how much data that operator produces and what it would look like.

If you can answer those questions, you will be able to estimate how much work that plan has to do and thus how long it will take. However, the EXPLAIN just shows you the plan without executing it.

If you want to know more about how much work each operator in query plan does, you can use the EXPLAIN ANALYZE to get the explain with runtime added (see next section)

More Debugging Information: EXPLAIN VERBOSE

If the plan has to read too many files, not all of them will be shown in the EXPLAIN. To see them, use EXPLAIN VEBOSE. Like EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN VERBOSE does not run the query. Instead it shows the full explain plan, with information that is omitted from the default explain, as well as all intermediate physical plans DataFusion generates before returning. This mode can be very helpful for debugging to see why and when DataFusion added and removed operators from a plan.

Execution Counters: EXPLAIN ANALYZE

During execution, DataFusion operators collect detailed metrics. You can access them programmatically via ExecutionPlan::metrics as well as with the EXPLAIN ANALYZE command. For example here is the same query query as above but with EXPLAIN ANALYZE (note the output is edited for clarity)

> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT "WatchID" AS wid, "hits.parquet"."ClientIP" AS ip
FROM 'hits.parquet'
WHERE starts_with("URL", '')
| plan_type         | plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Plan with Metrics | SortPreservingMergeExec: [wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC], fetch=5, metrics=[output_rows=5, elapsed_compute=2.375µs]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
|                   |   SortExec: TopK(fetch=5), expr=[wid@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ip@1 DESC], preserve_partitioning=[true], metrics=[output_rows=75, elapsed_compute=7.243038ms, row_replacements=482]                                                                                                                                                                                     |
|                   |     ProjectionExec: expr=[WatchID@0 as wid, ClientIP@1 as ip], metrics=[output_rows=811821, elapsed_compute=66.25µs]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
|                   |         FilterExec: starts_with(URL@2,, metrics=[output_rows=811821, elapsed_compute=1.36923816s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|                   |           ParquetExec: file_groups={16 groups: [[hits.parquet:0..923748528], ...]}, projection=[WatchID, ClientIP, URL], predicate=starts_with(URL@13,, metrics=[output_rows=99997497, elapsed_compute=16ns, ... bytes_scanned=3703192723, ...  time_elapsed_opening=308.203002ms, time_elapsed_scanning_total=8.350342183s, ...] |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.720 seconds.

In this case, DataFusion actually ran the query, but discarded any results, and instead returned an annotated plan with a new field, metrics=[...]

Most operators have the common metrics output_rows and elapsed_compute and some have operator specific metrics such as ParquetExec which has bytes_scanned=3703192723. Note that times and counters are reported across all cores, so if you have 16 cores, the time reported is the sum of the time taken by all 16 cores.

Again, reading from bottom up:

  • ParquetExec

    • output_rows=99997497: A total 99.9M rows were produced

    • bytes_scanned=3703192723: Of the 14GB file, 3.7GB were actually read (due to projection pushdown)

    • time_elapsed_opening=308.203002ms: It took 300ms to open the file and prepare to read it

    • time_elapsed_scanning_total=8.350342183s: It took 8.3 seconds of CPU time (across 16 cores) to actually decode the parquet data

  • FilterExec

    • output_rows=811821: Of the 99.9M rows at its input, only 811K rows passed the filter and were produced at the output

    • elapsed_compute=1.36923816s: In total, 1.36s of CPU time (across 16 cores) was spend evaluating the filter

  • CoalesceBatchesExec

    • output_rows=811821, elapsed_compute=12.873379ms: Produced 811K rows in 13ms

  • ProjectionExec

    • output_rows=811821, elapsed_compute=66.25µs: Produced 811K rows in 66µs (microseconds). This projection is almost instantaneous as it does not manipulate any data

  • SortExec

    • output_rows=75: Produced 75 rows in total. Each of 16 cores could produce up to 5 rows, but in this case not all cores did.

    • elapsed_compute=7.243038ms: 7ms was used to determine the top 5 rows

    • row_replacements=482: Internally, the TopK operator updated its top list 482 times

  • SortPreservingMergeExec

    • output_rows=5, elapsed_compute=2.375µs: Produced the final 5 rows in 2.375µs (microseconds)

Partitions and Execution

DataFusion determines the optimal number of cores to use as part of query planning. Roughly speaking, each “partition” in the plan is run independently using a separate core. Data crosses between cores only within certain operators such as RepartitionExec, CoalescePartitions and SortPreservingMergeExec

You can read more about this in the Partitoning Docs.

Example of an Aggregate Query

Let us delve into an example query that aggregates data from the hits.parquet file. For example, this query from ClickBench finds the top 10 users by their number of hits:

FROM 'hits.parquet'

We can again see the query plan by using EXPLAIN:

| plan_type     | plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| logical_plan  | Limit: skip=0, fetch=10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
|               |   Sort: count(*) DESC NULLS FIRST, fetch=10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
|               |     Aggregate: groupBy=[[hits.parquet.UserID]], aggr=[[count(Int64(1)) AS count(*)]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
|               |       TableScan: hits.parquet projection=[UserID]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| physical_plan | GlobalLimitExec: skip=0, fetch=10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|               |   SortPreservingMergeExec: [count(*)@1 DESC], fetch=10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
|               |     SortExec: TopK(fetch=10), expr=[count(*)@1 DESC], preserve_partitioning=[true]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
|               |       AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[UserID@0 as UserID], aggr=[count(*)]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
|               |         CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
|               |           RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([UserID@0], 10), input_partitions=10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|               |             AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[UserID@0 as UserID], aggr=[count(*)]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
|               |               ParquetExec: file_groups={10 groups: [[hits.parquet:0..1477997645], [hits.parquet:1477997645..2955995290], [hits.parquet:2955995290..4433992935], [hits.parquet:4433992935..5911990580], [hits.parquet:5911990580..7389988225], ...]}, projection=[UserID] |
|               |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |

For this query, let’s again read the plan from the bottom to the top:

Logical plan operators

  • TableScan

    • hits.parquet: Scans data from the file hits.parquet.

    • projection=[UserID]: Reads only the UserID column

  • Aggregate

    • groupBy=[[hits.parquet.UserID]]: Groups by UserID column.

    • aggr=[[count(Int64(1)) AS count(*)]]: Applies the COUNT aggregate on each distinct group.

  • Sort

    • count(*) DESC NULLS FIRST: Sorts the data in descending count order.

    • fetch=10: Returns only the first 10 rows.

  • Limit

    • skip=0: Does not skip any data for the results.

    • fetch=10: Limits the results to 10 values.

Physical plan operators

  • ParquetExec

    • file_groups={10 groups: [...]}: Reads 10 groups in parallel from hits.parquetfile. (The example above was run on a machine with 10 cores.)

    • projection=[UserID]: Pushes down projection of the UserID column. The parquet format is columnar and the DataFusion reader only decodes the columns required.

  • AggregateExec

    • mode=Partial Runs a partial aggregation in parallel across each of the 10 partitions from the ParquetExec immediately after reading.

    • gby=[UserID@0 as UserID]: Represents GROUP BY in the physical plan and groups together the same values of UserID.

    • aggr=[count(*)]: Applies the COUNT aggregate on all rows for each group.

  • RepartitionExec

    • partitioning=Hash([UserID@0], 10): Divides the input into into 10 (new) output partitions based on the value of hash(UserID). You can read more about this in the partitioning documentation.

    • input_partitions=10: Number of input partitions.

  • CoalesceBatchesExec

    • target_batch_size=8192: Combines smaller batches in to larger batches. In this case approximately 8192 rows in each batch.

  • AggregateExec

    • mode=FinalPartitioned: Performs the final aggregation on each group. See the documentation on multi phase grouping for more information.

    • gby=[UserID@0 as UserID]: Groups by UserID.

    • aggr=[count(*)]: Applies the COUNT aggregate on all rows for each group.

  • SortExec

    • TopK(fetch=10): Use a special “TopK” sort that keeps only the largest 10 values in memory at a time. You can read more about this in the TopK documentation.

    • expr=[count(*)@1 DESC]: Sorts all rows in descending order. Note this represents the ORDER BY in the physical plan.

    • preserve_partitioning=[true]: The sort is done in parallel on each partition. In this case the top 10 values are found for each of the 10 partitions, in parallel.

  • SortPreservingMergeExec

    • [count(*)@1 DESC]: This operator merges the 10 distinct streams into a single stream using this expression.

    • fetch=10: Returns only the first 10 rows

  • GlobalLimitExec

    • skip=0: Does not skip any rows

    • fetch=10: Returns only the first 10 rows, denoted by LIMIT 10 in the query.

Data in this Example

The examples in this section use data from ClickBench, a benchmark for data analytics. The examples are in terms of the 14GB hits.parquet file and can be downloaded from the website or using the following commands:

cd benchmarks
./ data clickbench_1
DataFusion Benchmark Runner and Data Generator
BENCHMARK: clickbench_1
DATA_DIR: /Users/andrewlamb/Software/datafusion2/benchmarks/data
CARGO_COMMAND: cargo run --release
Checking hits.parquet...... found 14779976446 bytes ... Done

Then you can run datafusion-cli to get plans:

cd datafusion/benchmarks/data

DataFusion CLI v41.0.0
> select count(*) from 'hits.parquet';
| count(*) |
| 99997497 |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.062 seconds.