Catalogs, Schemas, and Tables¶
This section describes how to create and manage catalogs, schemas, and tables in DataFusion. For those wanting to dive into the code quickly please see the example.
General Concepts¶
CatalogProviderList, Catalogs, schemas, and tables are organized in a hierarchy. A CatalogProviderList contains catalog providers, a catalog provider contains schemas and a schema contains tables.
DataFusion comes with a basic in memory catalog functionality in the catalog
module. You can use these in memory implementations as is, or extend DataFusion with your own catalog implementations, for example based on local files or files on remote object storage.
Similarly to other concepts in DataFusion, you’ll implement various traits to create your own catalogs, schemas, and tables. The following sections describe the traits you’ll need to implement.
The CatalogProviderList
trait has methods to register new catalogs, get a catalog by name and list all catalogs .The CatalogProvider
trait has methods to set a schema to a name, get a schema by name, and list all schemas. The SchemaProvider
, which can be registered with a CatalogProvider
, has methods to set a table to a name, get a table by name, list all tables, deregister a table, and check for a table’s existence. The TableProvider
trait has methods to scan underlying data and use it in DataFusion. The TableProvider
trait is covered in more detail here.
In the following example, we’ll implement an in memory catalog, starting with the SchemaProvider
trait as we need one to register with the CatalogProvider
. Finally we will implement CatalogProviderList
to register the CatalogProvider
Implementing MemorySchemaProvider
The MemorySchemaProvider
is a simple implementation of the SchemaProvider
trait. It stores state (i.e. tables) in a DashMap
, which then underlies the SchemaProvider
use std::sync::Arc;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use datafusion::catalog::{TableProvider, SchemaProvider};
pub struct MemorySchemaProvider {
tables: DashMap<String, Arc<dyn TableProvider>>,
is the key-value pair described above. The underlying state could also be another data structure or other storage mechanism such as a file or transactional database.
Then we implement the SchemaProvider
trait for MemorySchemaProvider
use std::any::Any;
use datafusion::catalog::SchemaProvider;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use datafusion::common::{Result, exec_err};
impl SchemaProvider for MemorySchemaProvider {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn table_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|table| table.key().clone())
async fn table(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider>>> {
Ok(self.tables.get(name).map(|table| table.value().clone()))
fn register_table(
name: String,
table: Arc<dyn TableProvider>,
) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider>>> {
if self.table_exist(name.as_str()) {
return exec_err!(
"The table {name} already exists"
Ok(self.tables.insert(name, table))
fn deregister_table(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider>>> {
Ok(self.tables.remove(name).map(|(_, table)| table))
fn table_exist(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
Without getting into a CatalogProvider
implementation, we can create a MemorySchemaProvider
and register TableProvider
s with it.
use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema, SchemaRef};
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use datafusion::datasource::MemTable;
use arrow::array::{self, Array, ArrayRef, Int32Array};
impl MemorySchemaProvider {
/// Instantiates a new MemorySchemaProvider with an empty collection of tables.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
tables: DashMap::new(),
let schema_provider = Arc::new(MemorySchemaProvider::new());
let table_provider = {
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![Field::new("i", DataType::Int32, true)]));
let arr = Arc::new(Int32Array::from((1..=1).collect::<Vec<_>>()));
let partitions = vec![vec![RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), vec![arr as ArrayRef]).unwrap()]];
Arc::new(MemTable::try_new(schema, partitions).unwrap())
schema_provider.register_table("users".to_string(), table_provider);
let table = schema_provider.table("users");
Asynchronous SchemaProvider
It’s often useful to fetch metadata about which tables are in a schema, from a remote source. For example, a schema provider could fetch metadata from a remote database. To support this, the SchemaProvider
trait has an asynchronous table
The trait is roughly the same except for the table
method, and the addition of the #[async_trait]
impl SchemaProvider for Schema {
async fn table(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider>>> {
Implementing MemoryCatalogProvider
As mentioned, the CatalogProvider
can manage the schemas in a catalog, and the MemoryCatalogProvider
is a simple implementation of the CatalogProvider
trait. It stores schemas in a DashMap
. With that the CatalogProvider
trait can be implemented.
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use datafusion::catalog::{CatalogProvider, SchemaProvider};
use datafusion::common::Result;
pub struct MemoryCatalogProvider {
schemas: DashMap<String, Arc<dyn SchemaProvider>>,
impl CatalogProvider for MemoryCatalogProvider {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn schema_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
self.schemas.iter().map(|s| s.key().clone()).collect()
fn schema(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<dyn SchemaProvider>> {
self.schemas.get(name).map(|s| s.value().clone())
fn register_schema(
name: &str,
schema: Arc<dyn SchemaProvider>,
) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn SchemaProvider>>> {
Ok(self.schemas.insert(name.into(), schema))
fn deregister_schema(
name: &str,
cascade: bool,
) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn SchemaProvider>>> {
/// `cascade` is not used here, but can be used to control whether
/// to delete all tables in the schema or not.
if let Some(schema) = self.schema(name) {
let (_, removed) = self.schemas.remove(name).unwrap();
} else {
Again, this is fairly straightforward, as there’s an underlying data structure to store the state, via key-value pairs. With that the CatalogProviderList
trait can be implemented.
Implementing MemoryCatalogProviderList
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use datafusion::catalog::{CatalogProviderList, CatalogProvider};
use datafusion::common::Result;
pub struct MemoryCatalogProviderList {
/// Collection of catalogs containing schemas and ultimately TableProviders
pub catalogs: DashMap<String, Arc<dyn CatalogProvider>>,
impl CatalogProviderList for MemoryCatalogProviderList {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn register_catalog(
name: String,
catalog: Arc<dyn CatalogProvider>,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn CatalogProvider>> {
self.catalogs.insert(name, catalog)
fn catalog_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
self.catalogs.iter().map(|c| c.key().clone()).collect()
fn catalog(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<dyn CatalogProvider>> {
self.catalogs.get(name).map(|c| c.value().clone())
Like other traits, it also maintains the mapping of the Catalog’s name to the CatalogProvider.
To recap, you need to:
Implement the
trait to create a table provider, or use an existing one.Implement the
trait to create a schema provider, or use an existing one.Implement the
trait to create a catalog provider, or use an existing one.Implement the
trait to create a CatalogProviderList, or use an existing one.