Upgrade Guides

DataFusion 46.0.0

Use invoke_with_args instead of invoke() and invoke_batch()

DataFusion is moving to a consistent API for invoking ScalarUDFs, ScalarUDFImpl::invoke_with_args(), and deprecating ScalarUDFImpl::invoke(), ScalarUDFImpl::invoke_batch(), and ScalarUDFImpl::invoke_no_args()

If you see errors such as the following it means the older APIs are being used:

This feature is not implemented: Function concat does not implement invoke but called

To fix this error, use ScalarUDFImpl::invoke_with_args() instead, as shown below. See PR 14876 for an example.

Given existing code like this:

impl ScalarUDFImpl for SparkConcat {
    fn invoke_batch(&self, args: &[ColumnarValue], number_rows: usize) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
        if args
            .any(|arg| matches!(arg.data_type(), DataType::List(_)))
            ArrayConcat::new().invoke_batch(args, number_rows)
        } else {
            ConcatFunc::new().invoke_batch(args, number_rows)


impl ScalarUDFImpl for SparkConcat {
    fn invoke_with_args(&self, args: ScalarFunctionArgs) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
        if args
            .any(|arg| matches!(arg.data_type(), DataType::List(_)))
        } else {

ParquetExec, AvroExec, CsvExec, JsonExec deprecated

DataFusion 46 has a major change to how the built in DataSources are organized. Instead of individual ExecutionPlans for the different file formats they now all use DataSourceExec and the format specific information is embodied in new traits DataSource and FileSource.

Here is more information about

Cookbook: Changes to ParquetExecBuilder

Code that looks for ParquetExec like this will no longer work:

    if let Some(parquet_exec) = plan.as_any().downcast_ref::<ParquetExec>() {
        // Do something with ParquetExec here

Instead, with DataSourceExec, the same information is now on FileScanConfig and ParquetSource. The equivalent code is

if let Some(datasource_exec) = plan.as_any().downcast_ref::<DataSourceExec>() {
  if let Some(scan_config) = datasource_exec.data_source().as_any().downcast_ref::<FileScanConfig>() {
    // FileGroups, and other information is on the FileScanConfig
    // parquet
    if let Some(parquet_source) = scan_config.file_source.as_any().downcast_ref::<ParquetSource>()
      // Information on PruningPredicates and parquet options are here

Cookbook: Changes to ParquetExecBuilder

Likewise code that builds ParquetExec using the ParquetExecBuilder such as the following must be changed:

let mut exec_plan_builder = ParquetExecBuilder::new(
    FileScanConfig::new(self.log_store.object_store_url(), file_schema)
.with_schema_adapter_factory(Arc::new(DeltaSchemaAdapterFactory {}))

// Add filter
if let Some(predicate) = logical_filter {
    if config.enable_parquet_pushdown {
        exec_plan_builder = exec_plan_builder.with_predicate(predicate);

New code should use FileScanConfig to build the appropriate DataSourceExec:

let mut file_source = ParquetSource::new(parquet_options)
    .with_schema_adapter_factory(Arc::new(DeltaSchemaAdapterFactory {}));

// Add filter
if let Some(predicate) = logical_filter {
    if config.enable_parquet_pushdown {
        file_source = file_source.with_predicate(Arc::clone(&file_schema), predicate);

let file_scan_config = FileScanConfig::new(

// Build the actual scan like this
parquet_scan: file_scan_config.build(),

datafusion-cli no longer automatically unescapes strings

datafusion-cli previously would incorrectly unescape string literals (see ticket for more details).

To escape ' in SQL literals, use '':

> select 'it''s escaped';
| Utf8("it's escaped") |
| it's escaped         |
1 row(s) fetched.

To include special characters (such as newlines via \n) you can use an E literal string. For example

> select 'foo\nbar';
| Utf8("foo\nbar") |
| foo\nbar         |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.005 seconds.